
Thursday, February 28, 2008

I just can't stop ......

I am so fickled when it comes to my banners and graphics for my site and Blog...Well, to tell the truth, the other *new* Spring Banner was made using an old picture of a doll and bunny I had made quite a few years ago... I never really got much into doing Spring/Easter designs and that was the only good picture I had of an Easter or Spring doll I had that I could crop and use for a banner.... but I decided to use my poor ol' Buford this time and I played around some..I decided to go with the green as of course March always brings to mind the "wearin o' the green" ( even though I'm about as far from Irish as you could get ...I am 50% German and 50% Polish )but anyways.....I figured the green theme was more in tune with March....
So...whatcha think ???


  1. very wonderful!! Great Job!! Do you use Paint Shop Pro....I'd love to purchase and play with that program!! Looks like much fun!!
    Check out my blog...there's a little story!!

  2. HOW CUTE!! I love your new banner! Man, I wish I could do that graphics stuff. Ya did a great job!
    Heck, I'm 100% Polish and I always wear green on St. Patty's day. :> )

  3. Gosh, Robin ~~ I'm touched! I just tripped across your patterns on Etsy and then journeyed a path here and there and ended up at your blog and thought "Gee... I really like her things, and I really like her blog .. I wonder if she would exchange blog links with me ..." and .. oh, my gosh, you already have me in your list of favorites !!! I'm just speechless!!! I'm adding you to mine right now, and I LOVE your designs... and I can tell we're kindred sisters in Him !!! Belinda (Bee)
