
Friday, March 7, 2008

*Free* Stitchery Doodles...

I meant to offer these a long time ago and just got sidetracked...doesn't take much for me...I know I have some form of ADD....I have 3 children with it and I know they don't get it from my level headed, slow as molasses hubby...I usually have 4 or 5 things going at one time, I am impilsive and I get easily distracted....So...I think all that speaks for itslef...anyways...Here ya go !

Just adding a side note here: If they look familiar, yep, they are Buford and my Posie Annie....They were the inspirations for the dolls and patterns... Most times ( about 99% of the time) I draw a doodle or a picture and make it into a doodle and that becomes the inspiration for a doll/ pattern....

As Always.... right click, save to your computer and resize print out and stitch up ! All I ask is if selling the finished product you give credit to me the designer in the description!...Have fun !!


  1. Fabulous I love em.. wish I had your artistic ability for prims :D Carm

  2. Great doodles for stitchin'! Looks like we'll be snowed in here for the weekend, maybe I'll get to stitch at least one of them up! Thank you!

  3. Wonderful!! I love to do stitching...I think it is relaxing and ya get quick satisfaction!! Thank you for sharing!!

  4. How sweet! Your blog looks great! Will be checking back often. Terri

  5. Lovely doodles! You are so kind to share! Thank you! I've enjoyed my visit on your blog this morning & will be back! Your home is so nice!


  6. These are soooo cute! They'd work great as penny rug somethings also wouldn't they? Thanks for sharing!

    Jean :)

  7. How adorable!! Thanks!!
    Man, I think I have A.D.D. too. I start talkin' about somethin' and always end up somewhere completely different in the conversation. Or I forget what the heck I'm talkin' about in mid sentence!
    So I'd better...
    Shoot! I forgot what I was goin' to say! ;> )
